Get More Facebook Fans Today with these Essential Engagement Tips

When you’re creating content, you can’t just sit down and write whatever comes to mind.

There’s a lot of strategy that goes behind what you write and why you write it.

If you do something without a goal or strategy behind it, then you’ll get nothing.

But if you have a plan and try to optimize for results, then you’ll see more success, faster.

Buddy Media released a report about strategies for effective Facebook.

Facebook EdgeRank is stopping you from reaching people. You need to defeat EdgeRank in order to reach all of your fans.

Here are some tips on how and when to post.

Please also keep in mind that these strategies and your results will depend a lot on your audience or industry.

Post Outside Business Hours

One of the most interesting facts was about when to post.

“Brands that posted outside of business hours had 20% higher engagement rates”

So try using some social media tools to help you schedule Facebook posts in advance.

This will help you get better results out of your social media management.

Post During Peak Hours

There are three social media peaks throughout the day.

These are the most popular and active time slots that you should be present.

  1. Early morning (7AM EST)
  2. After work (5PM EST)
  3. Late at night (11PM EST)

Again, try scheduling updates for maximum efficiency if you can’t actually be present.

Post on Contra-Competitive Days

You will get better results if you use contra-competitive timing.

You’ll see the biggest activity and engagement when sharing on Thursday through Sundays.

People are less busy these days and will have more time to read or pass along your helpful information.

Keep it Short

In social media, shorter is always better.

The report said that posts with 80 characters or less 27% more engagement.

Try Full Length URLs

Interestingly, full-length URLs had three times the engagement compared to shortened URLS.

People want to know what they’re about to click on.

But short URL’s are great for getting top of funnel data.

A good solution is to get a short, branded URL. This way you can get the best of both worlds.

Use a Call To Action

If you want people to do something, then ask them!

Don’t forget to include a call-to-action (CTA) in your social media updtes.

Ask them to post, comment, tell you, or even please retweet you.

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