Introducing FixCourse

I’m pleased to finally introduce FixCourse.

FixCourse combines the best aspects of consulting, and online education to provide the ultimate learning platform.

This includes location & time-independent instruction, a step-by-step lesson plan, live expert feedback, and community participation.

It’s a way to help people learn quickly, and effectively.

But it’s also rooted in inbound marketing.

In late 2009, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah published Inbound Marketing, largely based on their own thesis for how the internet was changing the way we reach people.

They’ve successfully implemented these strategies with great success in their business, HubSpot. Brian elaborates:

Rather than do outbound marketing to the masses of people who are trying to block you out, I advocate doing “inbound marketing” where you help yourself “get found” by people already learning about and shopping in your industry.

Over time we’ll examine what this means, why it’s important, and how to apply it.

Get long-term ROI.

We help you grow through expertise, strategy, and the best content on the web.