Brand ManageCamp 2020


Date: October 27 to October 29, 2020

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

What You’ll Get at Brand ManageCamp 2020

Brand ManageCamp 2020 has been held on an annual basis for 17 years. 2020 marks the first year that the conference will be virtual.

BrandManage Camp 2020 aims to provide guests with the tools to grow unique, profitable brands through Fresh Thinking. The conference offers a world-class learning experience with celebrated speakers and comprehensive materials to energize, educate, and inspire guests.

Brand ManageCamp 2020 Guest Speakers

Brand ManageCamp 2020 allows guests to learn from eminent experts in the marketing and customer experience field. You’ll hear from trailblazing innovators like…

How Much Does Brand ManageCamp 2020 Cost?

Brand ManageCamp 2020 offers registration from $495 to $1,095, somewhere in between Brand Marketing Leaders Summit Singapore and Festival of Marketing.

These pricing options are valid until August 28th, 2020:

  • Basic Virtual ($495): Pass to the BMC virtual conference and access to a recording of the event.
  • Plus Virtual ($695): Everything in Basic Virtual plus 12 months of additional content including special offers, whitepapers, and more.
  • Premium Virtual ($1,095): Everything in Plus Virtual plus books from 10 speakers, post-event interactive sessions with speakers, and $400 toward your 2021 pass.

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What do People Say About Brand ManageCamp 2020?

“Just a great experience…start to finish. The content is so good. Food – impeccable. Set up and flow – flawless. It’s a class act! Obviously content is the most important thing and it was excellent. So much useful information that I believe I can actually implement.”

Sr. Mgr. Global Market Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific

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  • Brand Marketing Summit Europe
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