Resourceful Compliance sells mandatory labor law posters for workplace compliance. Their website is devoted to informing prospective buyers about the relevant laws in their state.
That kind of content requires vertical expertise which is hard to find and research which is time-consuming.
That’s why many highly-technical industries struggle to create quality content — the experts are highly-paid and extremely busy, and may not be up to speed on how to write for the web.
That’s where Codeless came in.
Our Involvement
Codeless prides itself on the depth and vertical experience of our staff writers, but we were challenged by this one.
Writers with experience in workplace law (minimum wages, employee rights, etc.) aren’t exactly a dime a dozen. And, our policy is very simple: if we aren’t 100% sure we can deliver content to the Codeless standard, we won’t accept the contract.
But, after a few conversations with ResourcefulCompliance (and a lucky find in a writer with experience), we worked together to create a training package and process to bring that writer up to speed to create a dozen high-quality labor law guides.
Through research, extensive QA and our own due-diligence, we produced 12 state-based resources around wages, employee rights, employee bookkeeping requirements, FAQs and much more.
Each of these 12 resources is now proving invaluable for ResourcefulCompliance’s sale of workplace posters.