Every Saturday we round up the week’s top 5 posts so you can have a 2nd chance to see them.
This week was no exception, with plenty of posts to choose from. However we’ve narrowed it down to some of the most interesting and helpful so you can learn something actionable from each post.

Image courtesy of Hopefoote
1. Twice as Much Doesn’t Always Mean Twice as Much
Seth Godin makes a great point about the real meaning of “twice as much”. The real question is not what it means to you, but how it compares.
2. How to Build a World Class Email List in 30 Days
Building an email list is one of the most important things you should focus on.
It’s still the best converting online marketing channel, and you own it.
This great post from Ben Settle on Copyblogger covers 5 steps you can implement today to start building yours.
3. 7 Tactics to Delete From Your Email Marketing NOW
Hot on the heels of that last post, was a great post from the HubSpot blog about tactics that kill email marketing lists.
Are you making any of these mistakes?
4. The IT department isn’t killing you – you are
Ahhhh the IT department. How I loathe thee.
A necessary evil, right?
Ian Lurie makes some great points on his blog, Conversation Marketing, about how IT departments are tough because of how the people in charge treat them.
He makes some really good points and I’m sure the IT department would agree. (There’s a first time for everything, right?!)
Pass this post around the entire company.
5. Finalists: Top 10 Small Business Facebook Pages 2011
One of the best ways to learn is by observation and case study.
You should see what works for others (in context), and see if you can adapt or bring elements to your own game.
Social Media Examiner has rounded up some finalists for best small business Facebook Pages. Go check them out and see what has made them successful.
Can you do the same?