Top 5 Posts for the Week of September 16th 2011

The best posts give you simple, actionable instructions with a fresh perspective.

This week’s Top 5 is no exception. It’s full of wonderful insight and actionable advice.

Here are the Top 5 Posts for the Week of September 16th 2011.

Looking across the Dee to Flintshire from Caldy
Image courtesy of jimmedia

1. 3 Tips to Optimize your Lead Management System

Every business website is a lead generating machine.

Or at least, that’s what is should be.

You should have a clear sales funnel integrated with your website.

Here are some helpful tips to get better results.

Read the full post here.

2. 5 Ways to Use the Internet to Drive People Off the Internet

Brick and mortar companies sometimes think online marketing isn’t really for them. They don’t see how it will help them make sales at a physical location.

But if it’s good enough for Starbucks, then every business needs to get started somewhere!

And with the rise of location based services, there really is no excuse!

Read the full post here.

3. Every Business Must Manage Only These Three Things

Each business struggles with three main tasks. They’re bigger than marketing, finance, or operations.

Finding the places where these three roles divide and where they come back together again is the art of the business and it’s not always obvious or even natural.

Read the full post here.

4. How to Promote your Blog with Only $100

Creating extraordinary content is the foundation of online marketing. And your blog is the hub of all this activity.

Blogging isn’t expensive. But it is hard.

However for spending less than $100, there is no better form of marketing.

Read the full post here.

5. Would You Trade Your Boredom for Stress to Have Your Own Business?

Working for yourself is difficult. It’s stressful and tough.

It’s like you’re on a never-ending roller coaster.

But would you accept it over a factory-like job? Copyblogger contemplated that this week.

Read the full post here.

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