The Ultimate Guide to Creating the Perfect Email Signature

New communication methods show up from time to time, but one remains constant—email.

People have become so dependent on emails that it is now almost impossible to imagine our lives without them. Around the world, over 300 billion emails are sent and received every day. Chances are, you rely on this method to reach customers, partners and colleagues as well.

You might not realize this, but the way you craft your emails tells a lot about you. If your messages are unorganized and confusing, people will think twice about doing business with you. If, however, they’re concise and well-thought-out, you’ll have your recipient’s attention.

How can you show others that your emails are carefully planned? One way to do it is by adding an email signature at the end of your message.

Signing the email with your name isn’t enough. You need a signature created specifically to reveal more about you and your company.

Here’s how you can create the perfect email signature to prove to people that you mean business.

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Tips on creating the perfect email signature

An email signature is the ultimate business card of the modern world. You can’t go without it if you want to come across as a professional. Whether you are contacting guest bloggers or influencers, you’ll get their attention quicker with an eye-catching email signature.

When it comes to leaving a lasting impression, the expert tips for the best email sign off can make all the difference. Your email signature is an extension of your professional identity, so make sure it reflects your brand and personality. One of the greatest benefits of an email signature is its universal applicability across professions. For instance, a well-designed lawyer email signature exudes confidence, instantly reassuring potential clients, especially when backed by social proof. Follow our expert tips for the best email sign off to create a memorable and professional impression with every message you send.

Our point is—don’t underestimate the power of signatures. According to a survey, marketers leverage email signatures to:

  • Drive more traffic to their websites (48%)
  • Increase brand awareness (62%)

It’s time you included one in your messages as well. We’ve prepared six tips that will teach you how to create the perfect email signature.

Keep it simple

Sometimes less is more. You probably know that if you are a blogger explaining complex terms to readers or a marketer writing copy for your next online ad. Guess what? This saying is also true for email signatures.

Your email signature should be simple. Its purpose is to introduce you to your recipients and draw attention to your brand. Having too many details and information, however, might prevent it from achieving this goal.

It’s a known fact that the human attention span is eight seconds. People seek content that gives them the answers they need as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they get distracted.

Imagine if a prospective customer wants to contact you out of the blue. They open your business email to find your phone number. Instead of locating it immediately, they need to scroll down through the many details you’ve included. The customer might become overwhelmed, deciding not to contact you after all.

To avoid this scenario, keep your signature simple. Add up to five lines to introduce yourself and your company. This is enough, trust us. Take a look at how this marketer did it.

keeping a profile signature simple

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It isn’t over the top, yet it still tells the recipient all they need to know.

Include basic information

If you can’t afford a designer, you can use an email signature generator to create a signature yourself. You just need to know which information to include.

Some professionals think they should add as many details as possible. Writing your working hours or a legal disclaimer is redundant and unnecessary for an email signature. All you need are the following details:

  1. Your full name. The recipients must know who they are communicating with. Include your full name to ensure they remember you. The name is usually in the first line of the text.
  2. Your job title. Right after your full name comes your job position. It’s crucial that the other person knows what you do in the company. Your name is what interests them the most, of course, but the job title tells them your scope of work.
  3. Your telephone number. Going back and forth via email might get tiring for some. That is why they should have your phone number, especially in emergency situations.
  4. Your photo. Help the recipients put a name to the face by adding your photo. This makes emails less impersonal, which earns your audiences’ trust.

Here’s an example that puts the sender front and center:

putting the sender front and center

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In this example, the sender included two phone numbers just in case he couldn’t be reached on one of them. You can do this as well, but one phone number is enough.

Link to social media

Social media has become a powerful tool for bloggers and brands looking to connect with their target audience. These platforms have over 4 billion users around the world who want to follow their favorite brands or pages there.

You should use this in your favor and link to your brand’s social media accounts in your email signature. With just one click, recipients will know what your company is up to. They might follow or like your page or even share it with their family and friends.

All of this increases brand awareness. People who might not have heard about your blog or brand might become a part of your community. At the same time, recipients have a new way to interact with your business.

If you want to link to social media in your email signature, remember this:

  • Be active on social media. There’s no point in linking to your social media handles if you aren’t  active there. Post content regularly and consistently to ensure users follow you.
  • Include social media icons. Don’t add social media text links in your signature—it’ll take up too much space. We suggest you include social media icons instead.
  • Don’t link to all social media accounts. If you want people to follow you, go with accounts that help you increase brand awareness. You shouldn’t, however, include all accounts in your signature—people could get distracted.

For instance, this company decided to link to just two social media networks:

linking social media to your profile

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Through careful consideration, they had probably determined that their target audience uses LinkedIn and Twitter more. This is why we see the above two icons.

Come up with a call-to-action

The perfect email signature also has a call-to-action (CTA). You want the recipient to take a specific action after reading your email. They can’t do anything, however, if you do not tell them what to do.

That is why you should end your emails with a CTA. An eye-catching call-to-action will grab the attention of the reader. It can also reinforce what you wrote in the email.

For instance, let’s say that the email’s purpose is to encourage readers to check out your gated content. Strengthen the message even more by adding a CTA directing the recipients to visit the gated content page.

Keep this in mind while designing your email signatures CTA:

  1. Keep it short. A CTA’s copy should be short to fit in the intended space. Anywhere between two or three words is enough, but you can use up to five or six. Remember, your email signature should not be too long.
  2. Create a sense of urgency. Nothing makes people click on a CTA-like feeling a sense of urgency. One example of this would be a CTA that informs recipients that a special offer is ending soon. You could also use animation in your email signature to create a sense of urgency.
  3. Use actionable text. Your goal is to draw readers in, so choose your wording carefully. Go with verbs that get people to take action. For instance, those verbs can be “try,” “get,” “read.”

Your email signature will be even more effective with a CTA!

Invite recipients to book a meeting

Let’s say that the recipient and you are not moving forward after exchanging countless emails. They need a piece of information from you immediately, but you are taking too long to reply. In this case, it would be much easier for people to book a meeting with you.

Make things easier for them by adding a link to your calendar in your email signature. After clicking on it, they can choose the time and day you can discuss things further. You get notified about the meeting and can start preparing for it. You can furthermore enhance your meeting with an AI meeting assistant to take notes for yourself and provide assistance during the meetings.

There will be no delays or long email chains thanks to this option. This saves time for all those involved.

Meetings are an integral part of the business world. It’s impossible to go without them if your company wants to grow. Make your calendar known to your recipients and see how many will book a meeting!


As you can see, email signatures help companies increase brand awareness and drive traffic to their websites. The market is competitive now, so your business needs to stand out to attract attention. This is where email signatures come in.

Use them to introduce yourself and your company to the world. Whether you are talking with partners or customers, an email signature will take your message to the next level. Impress the recipients by showing them you have taken the time to craft your emails.

The best way to do that is by following our tips on creating the perfect email signature!

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