Our Verdict
Bloggers, authors and other writers will improve their writing using the scrivener word count. If you decide to use this software, I wish you good luck in accomplishing your writing goals in this program instead of tools in MS Word.
What is Scrivener Word Count Tracker?
Scrivener is a writing software used by amateur and professional writers. It can be used for small assignments such as a blog post, short story or for book writing. Larger projects like a novel, law document, a manuscript and any genre of writing can be done as well in this editor.
The Scrivener app has multiple options to choose from. There’s a desktop version, iOS and a Windows version available. Scrivener for Windows, as far as a downloadable app, is still being developed.
The program has many features that keep the writing process simple. Some of these writing tools include formatting a document within a folder or draft folder, viewing notes on a cork board, devising an outliner, organizing sections within a book, developing a final draft and creating a template.
The National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, is a website that hosts hundreds of thousands of writers, keeps track of their writing and anything they upload. Scrivener has similar features but a popular one they have is called the Word Count Tracker.
Unlike the word processor programs Microsoft Word and Google Docs, this particular word processing tool has a word count tool that contains multiple options for words, text and character count within a document.
How Does Scrivener Word Count Tracker Help?
This editor keeps a writer accountable with every writing deadline they have set. An author can create a goal where they can type a certain amount of words per day. This helps them stay on track with their total word count.
One example of this word counter would be for a screenwriter to create a daily word goal of 500 words for each scene of a movie within their screenplay.
The program will have pop up reminders to let them know they have to get started with their writing for the day and let them know they’ve completed their daily task. If they don’t reach that daily limit, the program will recalculate how many words they would need to write to get caught up.
The Word Count Tracker assists the author in being disciplined with achieving a specific word count for their projects. The following section will explain how to use this feature.
How to Use Scrivener Word Count Tracker?
The process for keeping track of the words for a blog, essay, manuscript and any other written document is very simple. This can be done in Windows or on a Mac. Here’s how to do it:
After opening up Scrivener, click on Project > Show Project Targets
A window will pop up; click on the 0 next to Words and type in the target number for the project
A status bar or progress bar will appear
At the bottom of the pop up window, click Options
Another window comes up showing two headings: Draft Target and Session Target
Under Draft Target, select the Deadline date to complete the project
Towards the bottom, click the checkbox for Show Target Notifications
Under Session Target, select how often to reset the session count from the drop down list
Choose the Time it should reset
If a day or so has been missed from typing, the option Automatically Calculate From Draft Deadline can be chosen so the program will compile a new number of words to type a day to reach the targeted date
Bloggers, authors and other writers will improve their writing using the scrivener word count. If you decide to use this software, I wish you good luck in accomplishing your writing goals in this program instead of tools in MS Word.