The Scrivener Export to Word Function

Our Verdict

People love Scrivener for a reason, and its quick conversions are definitely a part of that.

What Is the Scrivener Export to Word Function?

This is a process within the document writing program, Scrivener, which allows you to take text that you’ve written in a scrivener file after you format it, and then transfer it to a word document version.

In other words, since the Scrivener tool has its own formatting, in order to use your manuscript in Microsoft Word, the book has to be changed into a different file type such as RTF, a DOCX file, or something else that the Windows version of Word can open.

How Is This Function Helpful?

Getting what you write into the right file type, such as a Microsoft Word DOCx, is useful if you want to do any work on the file using MS Word writing software. There could be various reasons for changing a Scrivener file into Doc, DOC, or other word compatible files into your folder, such as wanting to use Word-specific options like their footnotes, their table of contents option, adding a Word-specific outline and so on.

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For some publications or class assignments, Word may be required due to the popularity of the writing tool. Some people may only be able to read files in Word format, for example, due to not having Scrivener for Windows.

It’s also possible that whatever word processor they do have may not be able to open Scrivener files, and instead need something like an RTF file, also known as RTF.

How Do You Use the Function?

In general, it’s simple to use the drop-down menu in the Scrivener book writing software to get your text file converted to DOC DOCX or other word processing types. The compile button at the top of the menu is where you start, then you can choose the other options from the dropdown thereunder the label that’s asking you what you want to compile for.

Depending on the situation, you may want to convert the file into something like the ePUB format as well since this is a common format used in sites that sell books. You may want to view your non-fiction book in Google Docs as well, which may need an easier format to view than the regular Scrivener one.

It may also be easier for you to control font size, use the template that you want, create an endnote, add in-text citations and do other functions to prepare your file conversion using the full-screen mode since this helps to eliminate distractions. This way, you get your DOCX format type faster.

Summing Up

So, regardless of what file types you eventually want, such as an ODT file, an ePUB file, or whatever other book formatting type, it can help to convert to Word DOCX first, and you only need a few buttons to do it here. It genuinely only takes a minute to use the app to get your Word Doc, which is always nice.

While all of this may sound like a hassle, Wordable will allow you to export from Google Docs to WordPress in 1-click. It will not only clean and properly format your HTML, but also compress images, open links in a new tab, automatically set featured images, or create a table of contents, and lots more.

People love Scrivener for a reason, and its quick conversions are definitely a part of that. The other reasons include that it’s so easy to write and organize your files so that you can then get everything the way you want it in Word more easily in general.

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